If you feel compelled to share your thoughts with the rest of us anonymously on the theme of Mental Health Issues, you can do at our Padlet by clicking here.
No one else will truly understand the pain you’ve been through; we can only empathize with each other. I am here today, and part of me is happy that I am.
A complete mess. It messes with your mind and then that messes with your surrounding and then that messes with the things you own and then that messes with the people you love. You can't keep it altogether and so did your clothes then your working table, then your room, then the whole house. It takes half of you and leaving one half ,blank and the other half is yours to keep but it's all in a mess. You wanted to clear it all. So you start with the clothes. It's been piling up too much but you just don't have the capacity to do it. You look at the table, then the house. ITS JUST TOO MUCH. a mess. So you learn to live with it
The series of photos presented represents my struggles, and possibly, many other’s struggles with mental health issues such as anxiety and depression. These photos show the dissonance between one’s inner world, and the outward persona they put out to the world. While my outer world is colourful, bright, vibrant and even peaceful, my inner world is monochrome, dark, and cold. While I am surrounded by friends and family, no one truly knows what goes on inside. With my work, I hope to shed light and portray how it may feel to struggle from mental health issues, and hopefully relate to others going through the same thing.

A facade - who are we truly, behind the masked smiles that we put on for the world to see. the unseen voices in our head are often masked by how we portray ourselves to the people around us; often times we may find ourselves smiling to get by each day, but how are we honestly feeling inside?
Depression is diagnosed by, among other criteria, 'diminished interest or pleasure in all, or almost all, activities', 'fatigue or loss of energy', 'feelings of worthlessness or excessive or inappropriate guilt nearly every day.' 
In other words, it's characterised by absence. Emptiness, where something should've been.
Things in life can be mentally draining. We may not notice it at first but it gradually gather over time.
We just somehow need to connect. Connection to someone, or it may be something. And meditating through nature. 
This set was a past project with Skylar. At the calm location of Lower Peirce Reservoir. Like emotions and weather, that day was ever-changing.
1. The observer often finds themselves enthralled by the screen in front of most of us. Little do they know about the deceit and lies behind this facade. 
2. The screen bombards the observer with information, often creating delusions and frenzy. 
3. Be warned; for the screen is often suffocating for your mental health.

Do you sometimes find your inner self wandering in the darkness of life, trying to find the way out and leave behind all the pain? 
Then, you find the light at the end of the way and follow it aimlessly, without knowing where it actually leads you to.
Halfway through the way out, you suddenly realise that not all the lights with lead you to the direction that you have expected, and your suffering is still here.
I wonder, how can we escape from all the trauma and anxiety that have been haunting us for so many years? Or, how can we become strong enough to face all of them, while moving forward and creating new lights for ourselves?
Burnt • Reconstruction • Hope 
Burnt : The season of my life that I was slowly burn myself out without realizing, only realizing it when I'm drained and everything seems to be falling apart & the next moment I'm in the darkness. Feeling shit about myself & overthink.
Reconstruction : The days where I lay down and just don't want to do anything & know that it is okay not to be ok. Took my time to rest and just do what made me feel better. Be assured, that you are definitely not going through this alone, don't be afraid to reach out for help. Talk to the people around you and you will be surprised by it. Take time to find peace.
Hope : To know that you might be uncertain of what is next but you will get better. Understand that you will not feel fine overnight, it all takes time. Take baby steps. Have hope, have faith.
Dear good things,
With love, anxious viewer

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