If you feel compelled to share your thoughts with the rest of us anonymously on the theme of Positive Aloneness, you can do at our Padlet by clicking here.
Aloneness and loneliness, I find, can get mixed up easily. 
We've been conditioned to think that being socially-occupied is the way to be happy and that we constantly need the company of others to enjoy our own lives. That to be in our own company is to be lonely, and ultimately, sad.
But that's a flawed and, frankly, unhealthy notion as there are people who genuinely enjoy alone time, with no desire to be judged upon.
My photography often consists of simple scenes with solitary subjects in the context of their surroundings, be it a busy hawker centre or a quiet park. And it's tempting to dramatize and perceive these people as lonely souls.
As a photographer, I attempt to avoid interpreting these solitary subjects as lonely and offer the viewer the idea that they could be just as happy and mentally satisfied as anyone else.
Commuting journeys have always been my getaway time to compose my thoughts. Be it in the train, bus or cab, it’s an uninterrupted space for me to plan, ponder, reflect or clear my mind. Accompanied with music or soft pitter-patter of raindrops, I find that taking time to be in the right headspace helps to start the next day right.
Alone but not lonely 
Ever feared of abandonment? Like the trash being tossed away. We all go through those days sometimes, but is being alone really that awful? Or is being lonely when you’re not alone worse?...
Sometimes being alone puts you in perspective, giving you ample time to look at things from a bird’s eye view. Seeing how trapped you must have been, holding in and suffering all these whiles. 
As cliché as it sounds, do not worry! At the end of the day there’s always a new day ahead! Take however long you feel comfortable, to make sure you see the light again.
This is a work that aims to show the importance of one's positive mental health, in finding the little things in life that uniquely bring happiness to one's self. 
행bokeh (pronounced Haeng-bo-keh) | Happiness is a series of photos I made in line with the word play of the Korean term for happiness, in search of the simplest things/spaces around me that bring me the tiniest bit of happiness or clearing of the mind. The shots are out of focus not only for the "bokeh" aspect, but also to show how the things/spaces are uniquely sentimental to me, and being in the presence of the pictured is of greater importance than photographing them itself. 
In line with the theme, I hope these images pose as a little reminder to find and appreciate the little things in each of our own lives.

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