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It's hard to find time and space to be alone with ourselves in a country so densely populated. Mental health often requires us to reflect and think, to be at peace if we can or just to be. The photos here I guess are of people trying to do that in common spaces that we all inhabit. At work, on a commute and maybe just in the presence of something more.
Mental health is a topic and a responsibility we cannot shirk. As society becomes increasingly complex, dividing, and at times alienating, we need to take a step back and reassess our mental well-being, time spent with people who matter most, do the things we’ve been putting off and slow down to find meaning in life. These are hallmarks of the human experience, and we need to be intentional and responsible to look after ourselves. If not, who will?
Mental health for me is self-care and self-love and sometimes that involves us being on our own, finding comfort in our skin be it through practice and learning ways to love ourselves. I start noticing in the images I seek out that they were encapsulations of what I seek out, finding serenity. Finding solace and calm in my own space regardless of the environment. It’s one of those things I learn to do through film photography, finding comfort and taking my time to get the shot I wanted.
I selected these images because it shows individuals in their own space, on their own time. I personally found peace in my own solitude through these images when I was out there taking them. You can see individuals mentally separated. Separated from their environment, the elements around them, from life, from work and even with the viewers as well. Ultimately, momentary peace.
“Take care of yourself”, a phrase always said after the fact. Ending off a good hang out or meal with good friends. It might not mean much for the giver, but all the world for the receiver. 
Just say these four letters of good vibes.

“When was the last time you felt truly carefree and at ease?’ was my first thought after snapping this picture. It was a timely reminder that your own wellbeing matters most and comes first above all, and that it’s okay to take breaks.
Sunset, flowers, and chat over a cuppa.
These are what I do to improve my mental health.
Friendly reminder that you have zero control over how other people perceive you, people come and go, so you might as well just be the person you want to be and enjoy life! ✨
In densely populated Singapore, a lot of our lives are spent squeezing in public transports, crowds, queues, heading to work or school. It is extremely unfavourable for your average introvert. Going to nature places and escaping the hustle and bustle of life was my way of recharging my social battery and regaining my sanity. 
Unlike others who go café hopping or queue hours for concerts, my type of getaway is me, my camera, and sometimes, a poor friend whom I drag along. I'd preferably go on weekdays when most people are stuck at work and to locations which are serene. Photography is the only thing I would willingly wake up unreasonably early for and shooting with film made it all so much more of an intimate process. Photography to me was never an extension of my creative mind but a helping hand for my soul. 
What is photography to you?

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