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Pictures tell of two worlds — the photographer's place, and mind.

I sometimes find myself drawn to scenes of urban bustle, and how people seem to be doing their best to cope with the rush.

I guess its part mockery at what our world has become, and part grudging recognition that I'm part of it — part of the problem, part of the afflicted, and part of the act.
Rush hour: a time where the struggles and cry for help painted on faces are a blur.

It's arresting. It's like staring into the sunset, but with the sense of impending doom from the darkness that's about to overwhelm. It does not look at age nor gender; you'd want to hold on to your source of comfort tightly either way. And it's relentless, like the strong gush of water. But you learn to cope with it; you learn that somewhere in between the sitting in quiet contemplation, the healing your inner child, and treading through the jungle in your head, there is beauty.
Space, perspective, and time are things that I think we all struggle with when it comes to our state of mind. 
Feeling like you're always being pushed into a mould you did not choose, making decisions we don't feel ready for, the constant fear that you're running out of time to do... something. 
It really does feel sometimes that we get caught up in moving forward so quickly that we forget to ask where we’re going.
These images came to mind considering these ideas. Not as reminders of how things might be, but as reminders of what perhaps we should remember instead.
To hold space in my life to be still. To take some time to sit on a swing and enjoy the trees and the breeze.
To remember that we are small. In the grand scheme of things, nothing we do really matters. That things good and bad, simply are. We do our best, we make our mistakes, and we live life a day at a time.
And finally to remember that the days do pass, and there is beauty in each day, even if it may be harder to see some days.

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